Tuesday, November 27, 2007

** The End, The End, The End

No this is really the beginning. So much information and so little time to get it done. Very interested in a lot of things but some of them were of no interest at all. It is all a learning curve and the fact that we learn new words and have a bit of an idea what people are talking about makes it a bit worthwhile. To impress the kids when I said I had a blog was one of the good bits. Putting the animals on a billboard was fun. Finding the cats on YouTube was ok but I stumbled onto that one. Luckily or I wouldn't have bothered. Rollyo and RSS didn't cut it with me. Podcasts..well not so much. Audio books would be worth pursuing. Overall it was good to get a cross section of the technology that is out there and to know what a bit of the future holds for library land.

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